
There’s a magic in this building and I’m not the only one that feels it. Something about the way the form, purpose, history and character of the building combine and draw you in. Beautiful despite its ugliness, optimistic in the face of its doom. Still standing, though as I write this day by day the clock ticks down to when the current residents must leave the building.

For the last few years I’ve followed the many impressions that the Capsule Tower has made across the Internet, in books, movies, music, social media, art, academia – it seems to be an inspiration in so many places. I have gradually acquired a collection of thousands of (other peoples’) photographs, drawings, diagrams, papers, books and even physical artefacts related to the Capsule Tower. I thought it was about time I added some structure to it all, hence this web site. The idea is that this becomes some sort of directory of things I’ve found tucked away on the web, and also a record of some of my own Capsule Tower related projects.

I’ve never visited the Nakagin Capsule Tower, nor Tokyo, nor even Japan. I hope that once we can all travel again that the building will still be there and it will still be possible to take a tour. Its an outside chance, but the building has been lucky so far.